Release 2.0.4
This release brings a new packaging with RPM packages for dependencies and system files, and a Python wheel for the Python code. There are also new Prometheus metrics and a few bug fixes like the source logging set incorrectly.
Issues fixed in this release
Bugs fixed:
DE 670: changes to fix source logging (@goodenou)
DE 674: Upgrading isort version to fix pre-config install error w/ poetry (@mambelli)
DE 683: Fix unit tests (@vitodb)
DE 696: Re-enable flake8 linter (@vitodb)
DE 701: Fixed bugs in metrics with labels (@IlyaBaburashvili)
DE 700: For flake8 skip build folder (@vitodb)
DE 713: Set /metrics Content-type header to text/plain (@shreyb)
DE 710: add invocation in the child processes for sources/channels logging (@namrathaurs)
DE 668: Introduce publisher status data product (@knoepfel)
DE 671: explicitly select a container with all our required python versions (@jcpunk)
DE 676: Added EL9 instructions (@mambelli)
DE 678: Updated and tested instructions, PIP installation working (@mambelli)
DE 679: Disabling unit tests for python 3.6 (@vitodb)
DE 680: Make default database init use stronger data protections (@jcpunk)
DE 681: Update to pytest 7 with pytest-postgresql 5 (@jcpunk)
DE 682: Updated EL9 instruction: PIP installation and GWMS config tested (@mambelli)
DE 685: Enable some tests only on DE 1.7 branch (@vitodb)
DE 687: Update GH actions (@vitodb)
DE 688: Added two metrics on the Source - de_source_status and de_source_acquire_seconds (@skylerfoster67)
DE 690: Adding DE EL9 containers based on AlmaLinux9 (@vitodb)
DE 691: Adding Jenkinsfile for EL9 (@vitodb)
DE 689: Added new de-client metrics for duration (@IlyaBaburashvili)
DE 694: Decision Engine Components Data (@skylerfoster67)
DE 697: Redis Exporter Data (@skylerfoster67)
DE 703: Create Redis mock for unit tests (@shreyb)
DE 706: In Jenkins pipeline config use podman instead of docker (@vitodb)
DE 712: Rpm pip packaging with uv and pyproject.toml (@mambelli)
DE 714: Fixed spec file and added release script (@mambelli)
DE 715: Added wrapper to run the decisionengine commands also as root. Fixed installation glitches. (@mambelli)
DE 716: Added a check for the Python code being installed and improved Python code install (@mambelli)
DE 717: Added codespell in pre-commit and fixed files to compliance (@mambelli)
Full list of commits since version 2.0.2
34ae84f15: Added ability to build Python (wheel and sdist) packages to
8192524ba: Added codespell in pre-commit and fixed files to compliance
e045cb960: Added a check for the Python code being installed. Improved the Python install script, adding the ability to clone the repo
7093d5b12: Added wrapper to run the decisionengine commands also as root. Fixed installation glitches.
59cd65825: Fixed spec file and added release script
8174106dd: Adding dependencies RPM package and packaging with uv and pyproject.toml
22951dc58: Set /metrics Content-type header to text/plain
aea4fd7ad: logging fix for sources and channels
30fb83dc5: In Jenkins pipeline config use podman instead of docker
0aca4d926: Added .vscode/ to .gitignore
489d45abf: Dynamically check for redis server availability when a test is marked as redis
ff674229e: Remove unit test marker
6b1799f1b: Check if redis server is running. If not, skip integration test. Also marked applicable unit tests in this file
6879f72c5: Added unit marker for pytest
22488d720: For flake8 skip build folder
19a163a14: Fixed bugs in metrics with labels (#701)
0a38b170b: Update test to be compliant with flake8 linter
22162226c: Add licence info to flake8 config file
1da6bd8df: Re-enable flak8 linter
65d5ccd9a: Dashboard on Redis Exporter information
daaac113c: Added json files containing the dashboards for Source and Channel Data in decisionengine/dashboards
d21728923: Added license compliance for json files
ba29da2af: [] auto fixes from hooks
d79908778: Configure buckets for de-client metrics
14826e839: [] auto fixes from hooks
87457a1e0: Fix de-client –metrics description
2cc376a60: Added decorators for all rpc_ methods
7fe99a642: Added directory for Grafana dashboards
a9d1590c3: Adding Jenkinsfile for EL9
018c8ab47: Updated documentation for 1.7.5 release
ebfd6d4a0: Numpy security update requires >= 1.22 (not available for Python 3.6)
aa474a9d8: Fixed misspelling
9e9088418: Adding DE EL9 containers based on AlmaLinux9
438621a0a: Added two metrics on the Source - de_source_status and de_source_acquire_seconds
f54b92a59: Update GH actions
f842996df: enable rpmbuild_el7, run_flake8 and pytest_el7 tests only on DE branch 1.7
97915e0be: Note of possible future change
1c23be195: update regexp in _expected_circularity
aa12938f9: Updated instruction after testing PIP installation and pressure-based condifuraition on EL9
d302e74bf: Update to pytest 7 with pytest-postgresql 5
e9372585e: Make default database init use stronger data protections
aed2d7666: Disabling unit tests for python 3.6
87b3f6e92: Updated and tested instructions, PIP installation working
84ebaa528: Fixed setup for EL9
0053e5963: Added EL9 instructions
d23db48f2: Upgrading isort version to fix install error w/ poetry
fd3c5bda7: explicitly select a container with all our required python versions
85617b14d: fix source logging by defining logger in Sources correctly
669555cc7: Add docstrings.
1681f211d: Add timing information for when publisher was disabled.
33e4f699e: Test publisher status w/in publisher.
4d3d9100b: Some renaming.
Release 2.0.3
Skipping this tag
Release 2.0.2
This is mainly a bug fix and documentation release. Instructions to run on EL8 have been added. Also a UP/DOWN status metric was added via Prometheus.
Issues fixed in this release
Full list of commits since version 2.0.1
7ec132e9: [] auto fixes from hooks
b942241a: Add installation instructions for CentOS 8
4f6fc134: [] auto fixes from hooks
e8d1922e: Fix docstrings errors and warnings
fc6aefd5: Docker container and test setup for EL8
51d5293f: [] auto fixes from hooks
0c15d3bd: Added UP/DOWN status metric of the decision engine
fc76a1f0: Fixup coverage for new version
04b18750: Set upper limit version for flake8. This is needed to have pytest-flake8 and flake8 versions working together.
98797411: Add ‘Setup pressure-based pilot submission’ section to install document
0165183c: make RPM requires more flexible
28e2a0d4: Updated release notes for 2.0.1 and porting of 1.7.3
Release 2.0.1
Patch level (bug fix) release.
Issues fixed in this release
Bugs fixed:
DE 639: de-client –status stalls whenever channels are not yet in STEADY state
DE 638: Sources should go offline if the client channel offline
DE 634: de-client –stop-channel / –start-channel doesn’t work in 2.0rc2
DE 626: New DE 2.0rc2 regularly takes 2-3 minutes to shut down
DE 599: Clarify timeout variable in block_while()
DE 522: Decision engine log files get split between several different processes with several different versions open
DE 236: New race condition in de-client
DE 650: Added separate log files for Sources
Full list of commits since version 2.0.0
b5e56ab8: Remove signal handler.
0fb6814b: Prevent blocking (if possible) during service actions.
bb68fc31: Add logging handler to client-message receiver.
53fefbc5: Update kombu version.
009cdd95: Use kombu queues for server/client communication.
29a1ee25: add distinct logging for sources
e44e9210: Update GitHub actions; pylint workaround.
d192f8fb: Lock typing_extensions for Python 3.6 compat
2b946043: Fix pre-commit node version to 17.9.0, the last to support SL7.
76f3ddfb: lock pyupgrade to python3.6 support
c9c7cb3e: Include psutil as part of runtime requirements.
df8a3941: Make sure to kill worker process.
69924d0c: Do not block de-client calls during startup.
ddb18d7c: Minor cleanups.
f4dc7da7: Do not take source offline more than once during detach.
cbffa992: Update Docker entrypoint script for DE 2.0 branch
e10fe5af: Fixed cross-package link in the documentation
9da1eac8: Added cross-package link in the documentation
d278726b: Updated 2.0 release notes and indexes, ready for 2.0.0
Release 2.0.0
This release series follows 1.7. A lot started to happen in 1.7.0 and has happened since, so we felt it was proper to change the major version number. We are proud to introduce Decision Engine 2.0.0 to outside users: it provides a friendlier installation procedure and configuration samples to test it on all resources supported by the GlideinWMS Factory, like OSG, some HPC resources and commercial cloud providers.
New architecture with redesigned source system using Kombu message passing with a Redis backend.
Token support via DE modules: support for SciToken, WlcgToken (for CE authentication) and HTCondor Idtokens (for Glideins and Factory communication)
Separation from the GlideinWMS Frontend. Decision Engine still shares some libraries with GlideinWMS but you don’t need any more to install and configure the Frontend.
Structured logging. Improved python logging and adoption of structured logs format that will increase the semantinc content of the messages and ease the export of information for dashboards and Elastic Search.
Monitoring via Prometheus.
SQLAlchemy object-relational mapper to increase the testability of DB interactions and to allow different database backends.
Packaging via setuptools for both decisionengine and decisionengine_modules: Dependencies are not yet fully listed in the RPMs.
Added support of CentOS8 (RHEL7 is still out main platform)
Configuration example using HTC resources via GlideinWMS Factory
Decision Engine is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license
We increased our CI tests including also code auto-formatting and license compliance. We introduced integration tests and we are proud of our over 95% unit test coverage.
SQLAlchemy is required and is now the only datasource backend supported. Upgrading from a different datasource backend (1.6 or earlier were using direct PostgreSQL, 1.7 was supporting both) is a one-way change with a migration tool. We suggest dropping all objects if you wish to reuse the tablespace. You can preserve a copy of the old database to query historical information.
Added requirement on the Kombu library and a Redis server. We suggest to install Redis using a container.
Added requirement on prometheus-client. Prometheus is be used as optional monitoring component.
Issues fixed in this release
528: Update license and add copyright notices
207: Under certain circumstances the fetch of the “consumes” information fails but the channel does not go offline operations
547: Update DE client libs to pgsql-12
459: Setuptools issues in decisionengine rpm
546: Request CentOS8 Stream support for Decision Engine
453: Struct Logging Self test errors with pytest-xdist
418: Add auto-formatting of the code
134: Yum update on decisionengine rpm doesn’t restart the service
480: Request: Make postgresql migration script to migrate from old postgresql schema to new sqlalchemy schema
Full list of commits since version 1.7.0
685a3a8e: Added changelog file for developers curated list of changes
044f4463: Updated 1.7 and 2.0 release notes, ready for 2.0.0 RC4
19994fb5: Convert timeout program options to floats.
e2055f92: Address Marco’s review comments.
abdf35ad: Restore multiple queues but purge source queue after each publish.
52936cb5: Improve error-handling.
aad20744: Change to multiprocessing.Lock for protecting channel/source workers.
24bbee41: Adjust launching of source workers in attempt to avoid deadlock.
6d13a392: Remove unnecessary (and perhaps harmful) external updating of channel states.
5456f32f: Improve test coverage.
1afabb70: Use service_actions to disable sources whenever client channels fail.
7f67a172: Various naming and logging adjustments
e6e49184: Adjust de-client –status and add –product-dependencies program option.
a7c1f351: Apply block-while timeout to all channels, not each channel.
3d739ec7: Update ci workflow to include workflow_dispatch mechanism and to customize artifact file name
c5a05650: Archive unit test logs in case of unit test failure and make them available as artifacts
e94c2abb: Update Python 3.6-compatible pre-commit hooks.
aeb6b974: Update Countdown docstrings.
525eb3a8: Add Countdown class to address global timeout problem.
4c458e0c: Updated release notes for 2.0.0 RC3 (1.7.99.post3)
137b574a: Add a minimal container image more suited to production usage
9d7f6875: Provide de-client –queue-status program option.
a7dcc30d: Ensure that channels and sources shared the same queues.
49a316e0: Restore pyupgrade to v2.30, which works on Python 3.6
2ce5ccb6: [] pre-commit autoupdate
7bd41851: Print number of pickled bytes of source-produced data.
97aed846: Protect tests from Redis DB/routing-key collisions.
4d3abab7: Flush the Redis DB once the DE server stops.
e36c2150: Remove unnecessary @pytest.mark.usefixtures(…) decorations.
30d68610: More unit testing
7850995d: We should have one path where we test without -v.
a81a52cc: A simple test to ensure the metrics can run
7547720c: Logger tests are a bit unstable at high parallelization.
56516df7: Add missing test to ensure we can change the channel level twice
abde7d0f: Add missing tests for inherited functions
6522ed37: Note lines we are not testing
de7829a4: Remove the unit test log directory if it got created
28fbd599: pin jsonnet 0.17.0
9c5c827e: Metrics seems to want the channels setup to complete
b8829997: Pin pytest version
b348d6f7: Fix deadlock starting cherrypy metrics server
7697e6c1: Log invocation of random port
9e7e4813: Clarify note on xdist, run more workers
0b495fbf: Leave note to remember to cleanup temp files
ca5ddf6f: Ensure we are calling the cherrypy shutdown methods
e60efe78: Move metrics fixtures to the fixtures file
9c717cc5: Log finished with DB init
55965f9e: Prep the server fixture to permit the metrics webserver
732ff99b: Add a ‘ping’ method
6117cc95: [] pre-commit autoupdate
b5af73ca: More logging about cherrypy state
dfe4278f: Added unlinked release notes for DE 2.0.0
7d6484ad: Test source shared between two channels.
ae29d9d1: Test same source types, separate channels
6095d33f: Test LatestMessages utility.
dfbf3e06: Separate sources from channels.
2c10391e: Remove source proxy
afcc7cff: Add some more logging to try and trace startup state
dbd49a66: Explicitly pass .coveragerc to pytest.
e6b03216: Set max retry timeout for sqlite in unit tests.
51bed3d6: Updated documentation for 1.7.1 release
3829151f: Allow duplicate keys if their values are the same.
1ea288e0: [] pre-commit autoupdate
6b6611e5: Use rather than local actions
dedbe4bd: Use local time for structlog timestamp
461c506e: Make sure de_std.libsonnet is provided when packaged.
f93b5963: Update pre-commit hook versions and accommodate python-debian issue.
bba51609: Reduce number of fixtures.
a4510cb1: Segment the update for setuptools so it gets cached correctly
40098f35: Merge pull request #584 from jcpunk/user-pip
4e1b79a1: Merge pull request #583 from jcpunk/drop-dbutils
72c8db4a: Recommend using the site user pip dir instead.
ff604495: Drop unneeded module
b203e2c4: remove extraneous ‘import gc’
ee2278e7: replace needed import
4b7dedf2: add licensing info
e5a56816: add licensing info
a114abba: add licensing info
c2d511cd: adding queue logging to de_logger
77dd8d5a: Also run checks on backports to 1.7
7c029578: Updated developers instructions w/ license maintenance via REUSE information
e66b985d: Fix faulty tests.
d1a86c57: Set Apache 2.0 license and added REUSE compliance
e488030e: Ensure that redis is running.
6c982c11: Report PID for source process.
3f844ca4: Further flesh out the documentation
1d750001: Simplifications and rearrangements.
b85dca45: Set state to error for exceptions caught before the thread start.
c4727acb: Changed summaries to histograms in DecisionEngine and TaskManager modules
6fa0bf4d: Added install document and updated the index and development instructions accordingly
e4de391e: Do the build of the wheel as not-root per our requirements
24ba5272: Add a redis server to the CI testing containers
c939a6ed: Address Pat’s comments.
1925a7b0: First implementation using Kombu/redis to communicate data from sources to cycles.
82faa271: Don’t try to package obsolete sql file
9cbffe94: Drop redundant tests.
ab0de9a5: Drop obsolete raw postgresql interface
164b36d3: Removed unnecessary comment
91f7a76f: Fixed rebase errors
e475fbd5: Added import statement to fix MultiProcessCollector
a409f126: Add no-webserver setting to all DE Test Workers
39cca32e: Moved multiprocess import to metrics to clean up imports.
73762e90: Added –no-webserver to invocations of DEServer
303ee4be: Added __all__ global to control what is exported.
5170224b: Allow for metrics disabling from systemd unit file
2cacef4f: Added check for proper metrics environment and associated unit tests
a637a088: Make webserver operation configurable
b3d6445a: Changed set_to_function calls to set() calls for metrics
5dccc7fa: Changed metric names to match prometheus convention
7371c2e8: Added cherrypy requirement
2c511cea: Added metrics to record time to run Modules and DecisionEngine rpc calls
c24d33bc: Renamed to
2335134d: Moved TaskManager metrics to util/ to avoid duplicates
3c1b790c: Added metrics endpoint to RPC server, changed prometheus to multiprocess mode, and added CherryPy webserver for prometheus metrics
d8972de0: Added unit tests for metrics API
7b0f641b: Add instructions for running the Redis container.
8d0c4919: Block pytest-postgresql 4
d988f1a0: Lower timeout for actions.
4f920dcc: Simplifications in preparation for Kombu.
eb9f4292: Make TaskManager not executable
00c8f6e6: Remove unused files.
dd990d2c: Adding de-logparser, a tool to help parsing Decision Engine semi-structured logs
1da0d61e: Added a comment to help developers with incomplete installation
1cbc7334: Drop testing/support for PyPy
3ba3e8e6: Ignoring E203, whitespace after ‘:’, since black is adding the whitespace
814669d5: Disable PyPy test that fails for PG_DE_DB_WITH_SCHEMA fixture value.
8d68c287: Fix debug message
33db6425: Test composite workflows using source proxies and configuration combination.
30951a5b: EL7 doesn’t ship with a new enough golang for jsonnetfmt
e72eb3fd: Forbid inheritance from SourceProxy.
e95071fd: Automatically format jsonnet files with jsonnetfmt
355ccd45: Correct tests for python 3.10
64119161: Start testing python 3.10
c1cb8258: add dummy source and test
31b0f30b: Check for duplicate keys after source proxies have been removed.
140a4c47: Fix configuration-combination function signature.
d4a05299: Remove now unnecessary blocking.
1e78a889: Don’t run as root
a71d5b0a: Add error for running server as root
cd345701: Increase coverage in LogicEngine
6c132924: Fix out of sync devel requirements
8bfab003: Start running tests with xdist
aebe7d49: Remove unnecessary conversion to Pandas dataframe.
28919b16: Allow channels to boot in parallel.
c4fc5997: Improve parameter and variable names.
e021419b: Encourage use of automatic nag hook
cc4e469a: Update hooks to latest via pre-commit autoupgrade
cef30b69: Further simplify some cases
590bea3f: Add channel-combination facilities.
a4a7938c: Various simplifications recommended by flake8-simple
d5157416: Possible simplification to logging.
81e3d1ee: Fix pylint error on create_runner and ProcessingState
2a328c25: Added missing init file to make managers a package
d7f44015: Rework tests for #454
9521d3ce: Add debug statement when default logic-engine configuration is used.
c6dc778c: Unconditionally execute publishers with default configured logic engine.
a48dd7d8: Remove now-unnecessary Python-to-Jsonnet conversion.
a6a81ce7: Run autoformatters
49dac1ec: Setup pre-commit hooks for autoformatters
3800cc2a: Run the code style/standards checks early.
1d42eb0d: TaskManager now inherits from ComponentManager. Also added SourceManager, ChannelManager, and SourceSubscriptionManager files for future integration.
85a16f3b: Python optimised byte code removes assert under some conditions
bed2f5d9: Support latest setuptools_scm release