decisionengine.framework.util package
decisionengine.framework.util.countdown module
- class decisionengine.framework.util.countdown.Countdown(wait_up_to)[source]
Countdown is a context manager that keeps track of elapsed time.
It is designed to be used for cases where a sequence of operations should not take longer than a specified period of time. This is done by occasionally querying the ‘time_left’ attribute (e.g.):
countdown = Countdown(wait_up_to=10) for p in processes: with countdown: rc = p.join(countdown.time_left) if rc is None: p.terminate()
In the above example, the time it takes to shutdown all processes should not exceed 10 seconds. Upon entering the countdown context, a timer starts. Once that context is exited, the timer stops and the elapsed time is subtracted from the initial ‘wait_up_to’ value. If it takes 10 seconds for the first process to join, then the ‘time_left’ value will be 0 when joining all subsequent processes. In this way, the entire sequence of operations is constrained to occur in roughly 10 seconds.
decisionengine.framework.util.fs module
decisionengine.framework.util.logparser module
- decisionengine.framework.util.logparser.console_scripts_main(args_to_parse=None)[source]
This is the entry point for the setuptools auto generated scripts. Setuptools thinks a return from this function is an error message.
- decisionengine.framework.util.logparser.execute_command_from_args(argsparsed, logfile=None, constraint=None)[source]
Parse the log file as requested.
- Parameters:
argsparsed (Namespace) – Parsed arguments from create_parser in this file.
logfile (path) – Log file path.
constraint (dict) – Combined constraints dictionary
- Returns:
Output of the command.
- Return type:
- decisionengine.framework.util.logparser.main(args_to_parse=None)[source]
Main function for logparser
- Parameters:
args_to_parse (list, optional) – If you pass a list of args, they will be used instead of sys.argv.
None. (Defaults to)
- Returns:
Parsing result
- Return type:
- decisionengine.framework.util.logparser.matches_constraint(constraint, linelist, linedict)[source]
Return True if all constraints are marched
- Parameters:
constraint (dict|None) – combined constraints
linelist (list) – List of line fields
linedict (dict) – Dictionary with structured elements
- Returns:
True is all constraints are matched, False otherwise
- Return type:
decisionengine.framework.util.metrics module
- class decisionengine.framework.util.metrics.Counter(name: str, documentation: str, labelnames: ~typing.Iterable[str] = (), namespace: str = '', subsystem: str = '', unit: str = '', registry: ~prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry | None = <prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry object>, _labelvalues: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None)[source]
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class decisionengine.framework.util.metrics.Gauge(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Override prometheus client Gauge so that muliproccess_mode ‘liveall” is the default as opposed to ‘all’
- __determine_multiprocess_mode_existence(*args, **kwargs)
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class decisionengine.framework.util.metrics.Histogram(name: str, documentation: str, labelnames: ~typing.Iterable[str] = (), namespace: str = '', subsystem: str = '', unit: str = '', registry: ~prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry | None = <prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry object>, _labelvalues: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None, buckets: ~typing.Sequence[float | str] = (0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, inf))[source]
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
- class decisionengine.framework.util.metrics.Summary(name: str, documentation: str, labelnames: ~typing.Iterable[str] = (), namespace: str = '', subsystem: str = '', unit: str = '', registry: ~prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry | None = <prometheus_client.registry.CollectorRegistry object>, _labelvalues: ~typing.Sequence[str] | None = None)[source]
- _abc_impl = <_abc._abc_data object>
decisionengine.framework.util.reaper module
A stand-alone script purges data in database older than specified in configuration. Configuration file has to have this bit added:
{ "dataspace" : { "retention_interval_in_days" : 365, "datasource" : {} } }
Can be used in a cron job.
decisionengine.framework.util.redis_stats module
decisionengine.framework.util.singleton module
- class decisionengine.framework.util.singleton.ScopedSingleton[source]
Singleton pattern using Metaclass with weak refs
- _instances = <WeakValueDictionary>
- class decisionengine.framework.util.singleton.ScopedSingletonABC(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)[source]