decisionengine_modules.htcondor package


decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query module

class decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.CondorQ(schedd_name=None, pool_name=None)[source]

Bases: decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.CondorQuery

Class to implement condor_q

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
fetch(constraint=None, format_list=None, condor_config=None)[source]

Fetch job classads

class decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.CondorQuery(resource_str, group_attr, pool_name=None, env=None)[source]

Bases: decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.Query

Fully implemented class for CondorQuery

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
class decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.CondorStatus(subsystem_name=None, pool_name=None, group_attr=None)[source]

Bases: decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.CondorQuery

Class to implement condor_status

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
fetch(constraint=None, format_list=None, condor_config=None)[source]

Fetch resource classads and return a list of evaluated classads

class decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.Query[source]

Bases: object

Pure virtual class to have a minimum set of methods defined

_abc_impl = <_abc_data object>
abstract fetch(constraint=None, format_list=None, condor_config=None)[source]

Fetch the classad attributes specified in the format_list matching the constraint


constraint_func – A boolean function, with only one argument (data el). If None, return all the data.

@rtype: dict @return: Same as fetch(), but limited to constraint_func(el)==True

load(constraint=None, format_list=None, condor_config=None)[source]

Fetch the data and store it in self.stored_data

exception decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.QueryError(err_str)[source]

Bases: RuntimeError

Thrown when there are exceptions using htcondor python bindings or commands

decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.apply_constraint(data, constraint_func)[source]

Return a subset of data that satisfies constraint_function If constraint_func is None, return back entire data


Convert the format_list into attrs that can be used with python bindings Python bindings should take care of the typing


Convert the constraint to format that can be used with python bindings

decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.eval_classad_expr(classads, format_list=None)[source]

Convert the classads into list of classads Guarantees any attribute in format_list to be added with default value None

decisionengine_modules.htcondor.htcondor_query.list2dict(list_data, attr_name)[source]

Convert a list to a dictionary and group the results based on attributes specified by attr_name


Given the resource string return equivalent classad type


Given the collector_host string extract primary collector_host which is the first collector host in the list and sort the secondary collectors. Return a tuple of primary collector and CSV secondary collector.

Module contents