decisionengine_modules.util package¶
decisionengine_modules.util.figure_of_merit module¶
Calculate figure of merit
decisionengine_modules.util.retry_function module¶
- decisionengine_modules.util.retry_function.retry_on_error(nretries=1, retry_interval=2, backoff=True)[source]¶
- decisionengine_modules.util.retry_function.retry_wrapper(f, nretries=1, retry_interval=2, backoff=True)[source]¶
Retry on error with parameters of how many times (nretries) and interval in seconds (retry_interval). If the function to be decorated is an instance method and the values come from a configuration, then this decorator can retrieve these two parameters from instance attributes with the same name. Otherwise, use the default values or pass new values to the decorator.
decisionengine_modules.util.test_retry_function module¶
decisionengine_modules.util.testutils module¶
Utils to simplify testing